The Institute of Integrative Health of Mallorca (ISIM) is a multidisciplinary center where we want to serve people in all their facets: physical, psychological and emotional to accompany them on their return to health. We know that each person is a world and that each body expresses the social, spiritual and environmental influences of the environment in which we live.
Elena Esterich Peyret
Colegiada nº B-02473
· Psicóloga general sanitaria.
· Psicogerontóloga
· Neuropsicóloga.
Contacto para cita: 647 92 90 32
La neuropsicología es una disciplina y especialidad que converge entre la psicología y la neurología. Los neuropsicólogos tenemos diversos ámbitos de actuación que requieren una gran entrega, un estudio continuo y una gran vocación. Mi formación, además de ser en neuropsicología, es en psicogerontología, por lo que mi especialidad es el sector de la población mayor. El proceso del envejecimiento en general y concretamente el área de las demencias y los trastornos del movimiento.
Por tanto, los servicios que llevamos a cabo en el centro son el apoyo psicológico, la exploración neuropsicológica y la estimulación cognitiva en el adulto y el adulto mayor:
La evaluación neuropsicológica nos permitirá conocer el estado de tus capacidades cognitivas o mentales. Obteniendo una descripción detallada del funcionamiento de todas las áreas cognitivas y facilitando la detección de aquellas que se encuentren debilitadas así como su grado de alteración.
Diseñamos un programa de intervención individualizado adaptándonos a tus necesidades. Reforzamos todas las capacidades cognitivas como la memoria, el lenguaje, la atención, la capacidad de lecto-escritura... Tanto en cerebros sanos, ayudándote a través de técnicas concretas, a reforzar o mejorar tus habilidades mentales manteniendo su buen estado a lo largo del tiempo, o si, presentas deterioro cognitivo, ayudándote a ralentizar su evolución. Además, a través de nuestros talleres de memoria grupales, estimulamos la socialización y sus múltiples beneficios.
Degree in medicine from the University of Barcelona.
Medical specialty Family and community medicine.
Master in Naturist and Orthomolecular Medicine, Acupuncture and Homeopathy. University of Valencia.
Masters in Homeopathic Medicine. Barcelona University.
Postgraduate PsicoNeuroInmunoEndocrinology. Barcelona University (I. Kenzen-X. Verdaguer).
Sintergetic Medicine.
Integrative medicine is a new model of patient care and, at the same time, asks this patient to be involved in the healing process. Unlike traditional medicine that makes the patient a passive individual who must wait for the effect of medications, in integrative medicine the patient understands that his body is part of his being and that his evolution has a direct relation with his mental and emotional state.
In this updated medicine that offers more technical and human resources we go from being patients that we hope to cure ourselves to be proactive patients willing to acquire the necessary tools to return to our state of health. This new scenario asks for a sense of responsibility and autonomy to inform us, learn and know our own needs.
Responsibility is literally the ability to answer to things that happen to us.
As patients we must be open to inform ourselves at all times of the different aspects that are related to our pathology. We must learn to listen to our body and listen emotionally to identify the reactions or symptoms related to our medical condition. We must become experts of ourselves.
It is also important to be aware that our life habits are fundamental when it comes to promoting or deteriorating our health: eat healthy, exercise properly for our physique, be aware of our moments of stress and the management we make of them, take care of our social relationships, collaborate so that the emotional environment in which we live with our partner, our family or alone is a quality one.
Integrative medicine is part of the new global consciousness shift that involves us all, whether professionals or patients.
At the Institute of Integrative Health of Mallorca, the professionals who assist people who approach the center want to become guides to accompany them in their healing process. We propose a less paternalistic model of the doctor-patient relationship than we traditionally know to assume each responsibility. For this, we inform and make available to people the different techniques that include not only the specific pathology but the whole being.
My name is Estrella Alba, I am a Dietitian (colleague 1522), also trained in Naturopathy (ISMET), Traditional Chinese Medicine (ISMET), Health Coach (Institut of Integrative Nutrition) and Mindfulness (University of Almeria).
I approach nutrition from an integrative perspective, merging the knowledge of science with the ancestral wisdom of medications as old as the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy, all this helps to understand the individual as a whole taking into account their physiological, psychological, and nutritional particularities and social.
Promote acceptance as a starting point to work the change of habits step by step, turning our diet into: suggestive, nutritious, rich, anti-inflammatory, therapeutic, that gives us health and vitality.
I like to work for healthy eating, without food restrictions, promoting a change of consciousness that allows us to nourish our cells at the same time as enjoying delicious food.
Who is consulting this service?
- People who want to improve their relationship with food.
- Change of habits.
- Incorporation into solid nutrition.
- Restructuring a healthy weekly menu.
- Therapeutic diets.
- Diets in the different physiological stages (pregnancy, lactation, menopause).
- Specific diets (vegetarian, ovolactoovegetarian, vegan ...).
- Diets for food non-allergic histaminosis (intolerance test).
- Diets for the Irritable Colon Syndrome (test intolerance).
- Digestive problems.
- Celiaquía.
Born in Switzerland, at age 20 Yan went to study Chiropractic in California. After 7 years in the US, in 1999, Yan obtained a doctorate in Chiropractic from Life West Chiropractic College in San Francisco.
Passionate about sport and nature that natural method of caring for the body corresponds perfectly. Now, as a parent, he is installed on the island of Mallorca where he has been consulting since 2000.
Apart from having a consultation where he treats babies, children, adults and the elderly, in recent years, Yan has worked with several World Level athletes to perform at their highest level. Among some traveling with Carlos Moya and Maria Sharapova in the professional circuit of Tennis. Chiropractic care can help anyone who wants to take care of their spine and their intimate relationship with the nervous system.
The result of the balance of the different systems is optimal health.
What is the difference between traditional medicine and integrative medicine? What advantages does this medicine offer for patients? Why choose this type of medicine?
According to the World Health Organization, health "is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity." To achieve this goal, integrative medicine put all its attention on the patient and addresses the whole range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences that affect the health of the person.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the chemical synthesis of medicines and the birth of large pharmaceutical industries left the approach to a more natural medicine in the background to try to cure the diseases of patients. Over time, many doctors and patients began to demand attention beyond the chemical protocol. According to the book Nature Cure: The History of Alternative Medicine in America, in the 90s, 42% of the population used alternative therapies to cure their ailments.
Integrative medicine treats the person, not only the illness.
The word 'integrative' means to collect all the knowledge accumulated by traditional medicine and, in addition, to merge and mix, other knowledges that until now have proven to be beneficial to the health of people. At the same time, the integrative medicine is born with the will to correct deficiencies of protocols that affect the relationship between the doctor and the patient.
To do this, use a personalized strategy that considers the conditions, needs and particular circumstances of each patient. Communication is a key factor in knowing each person and being able to offer the necessary support for their healing. For its part, the patient who understands this new perspective gets more efficiently involved in his healing and assumes a part of the responsibility of his improvement process.
Integrative medicine uses the most appropriate interventions from a wide range of disciplines to cure diseases and help people not only to regain their health but also to maintain it.
The Institute of Integrative Health of Mallorca is born with the will to apply this new approach that places attention on health and not only on the disease. We understand the return to health not only as the disappearance of the symptom but as a way of understanding the expression of our biology and as a process of self-knowledge. We know that living with health is the result of the balance between our body, our mind, our emotions, our environment and the quality of our relationships. Being aware that our health is multifactorial directly affects our quality of life.
"Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend." Lao Tse
Osteopathy and chiropractic to return our structure to its natural axis.
Diet and nutrition to make food the best medicine.
Integrative psychology who knows the influence of the mind on the body.
Is the patient's role of traditional medicine different from that of integrative medicine? What does this new paradigm imply for the doctor-patient relationship? Integrative medicine is a new model of patient care and, at the same time, asks this patient to be involved in the healing process....
What is the difference between traditional medicine and integrative medicine? What advantages does this medicine offer for patients? Why choose this type of medicine? According to the World Health Organization, health "is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not ju...
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C/ Severo Ochoa, 6, Oficines b (Esc.
esquerra, 1er, 2na)
07500 Manacor, Illes Balears